Results for « kesesuaian » (ind)
kerukunan, kesesuaian, keselarasan
harmony, concordance, concord
     agreement of opinions
04713428-n (10)
persesuaian, kesamaan, kesesuaian, kecocokan, keserupaan
agreement, correspondence
     compatibility of observations
04713118-n (6)
kesesuaian, keselarasan, harmoni
harmony, harmoniousness
     compatibility in opinion and action
04716864-n (3)
kesesuaian, kecocokan
fitness, fittingness
     the quality of being suitable
     the quality of being qualified
keserasian, kesesuaian, kecocokan
     capability of existing or performing in harmonious or congenial combination
04713692-n (2)
kesesuaian, keselarasan
conformity, conformance
     correspondence in form or appearance
kepatutan, kesesuaian, kewajaran
     the quality of being specially suitable
09111754-n (1)
kerukunan, kesesuaian, Concord
Concord, capital of New Hampshire
     capital of the state of New Hampshire; located in south central New Hampshire on the Merrimack river
kerukunan, kesesuaian
Lexington, Concord, Lexington and Concord
     the first battle of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775)
06770275-n (11)
kesepakatan, persetujuan, kata sepakat, kerelaan, kesesuaian, perjanjian, timbang rasa, penyesuaian, kecocokan
agreement, understanding
     the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises
keizinan, persetujuan, kerelaan, kebenaran, kesesuaian, perjanjian, penyesuaian, kecocokan
agreement, convention, covenant, treaty, pact, concord, meeting of the minds
     the verbal act of agreeing
01203676-n (3)
kepatuhan, pematuhan, kesesuaian, keselarasan
conformity, compliance, abidance, conformation
     acting according to certain accepted standards
13971065-n (6)
kesepakatan, persetujuan, kesesuaian, tindakan, perjanjian, harmoni, kecocokan
agreement, accord
     karakter dan pendapat orang
persetujuan, kerelaan, kesesuaian, perjanjian, penyesuaian, kecocokan
agreement, concord
     penentuan gramatikal berdasarkan hubungan kata
04898437-n (1)
kesesuaian, kewajaran
propriety, properness, correctitude
     correct or appropriate behavior
04898804-n (1)
kesopanan, budi bahasa, ketertiban, adab, kesesuaian, kewajaran
decorum, decorousness
     propriety in manners and conduct
13969243-n (1)
keharmonisan, kelunakan, kerukunan, persetujuan, keserasian, kesesuaian, kemerduan, keselarasan, harmoni, harmonis
harmony, concordance, concord
     keadaan harmonis hal-hal secara umum dan sifat-sifat mereka
05795044-n (15)
pengaturan, penyusunan, persetujuan, susunan, kerelaan, kesesuaian, persiapan, perjanjian, penyelesaian, penyesuaian, penggubahan, kecocokan
arrangement, agreement
     the thing arranged or agreed to
04716210-n (1)
kesesuaian, sesuai
felicity, felicitousness
     pleasing and appropriate manner or style (especially manner or style of expression)
kerukunan, serempak, kesesuaian, keselarasan
     bersesuaian dengan tepat sekali


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