Results for « kekuatan » (ind)
05169813-n (21)
kepentingan, penting, makna, arti, mustahak, kesan, kekuatan
     the quality of being significant
05194578-n (29)
     a powerful effect or influence
04633197-n (2)
semangat, daya usaha, tenaga, kekuatan
energy, muscularity, vigor, vigour, vim
     gaya hidup imajinatif (terutama gaya tulisan)
daya, kekuatan
     the condition of financial success
04826235-n (1)
keadilan, khasiat, kekuatan
     adhering to moral principles
tenaga, kekuatan
nerve fiber, nerve fibre
     a threadlike extension of a nerve cell
05030680-n (8)
kekuasaan, daya upaya, kuasa, kekuatan
power, might, mightiness
     physical strength
04990220-n (1)
kejelasan, kelantangan, kenyaringan, kekuatan
volume, loudness, intensity
     the magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction)
05203649-n (10)
strength, posture, military capability, military strength, military posture
     [in military] capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war
04836683-n (6)
semangat, daya usaha, tenaga, kekuatan
energy, push, get-up-and-go
     enterprising or ambitious drive
04847298-n (6)
kebaikan, khasiat, kekuatan
virtue, virtuousness, moral excellence
     the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
ketahanan, kekuatan
temper, toughness
     the elasticity and hardness of a metal object; its ability to absorb considerable energy before cracking
Energi, semangat, daya usaha, kekuatan
Department of Energy, Energy Department, Energy, DOE
     the federal department responsible for maintaining a national energy policy of the United States; created in 1977
     power to influence or coerce
05099796-n (30)
kepanasan, kegigihan, kehebatan, kekuatan
intensity, strength, intensity level
     the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation)
11458624-n (20)
gaya, kekuatan
     [in physics] the influence that produces a change in a physical quantity
kesucian, khasiat, kemurnian, kesederhanaan, kekuatan
chastity, virtue, sexual morality
     morality with respect to sexual relations
11452218-n (31)
daya, semangat, daya usaha, kuasa, energi bebas, tenaga, kekuatan
energy, free energy
     [in physics] a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs
05053688-n (1)
durability, strength, lastingness, enduringness
     permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force
     a group of people having the power of effective action
10461424-n (8)
daya, kekuasaan, kuasa, tenaga, kekuatan
power, force
     one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority
05036394-n (12)
kepanasan, kegigihan, kuat, kehebatan, kekuatan
intensity, intensiveness
     high level or degree; the property of being intense
14050143-n (1)
vitalitas, semangat, daya usaha, energi, tenaga, kekuatan
vitality, energy, vim, pep, high spirits
     suatu kapasitas kesehatan untuk aktivitas yang dinamis
05032918-n (1)
stamina, kekuatan
toughness, stamina, staying power
     enduring strength and energy
05035961-n (9)
semangat, daya usaha, kehebatan, tenaga, kekuatan
energy, vigor, zip, vigour
     forceful exertion
otot, kuat, tenaga, kekuatan
muscularity, heftiness, brawn, brawniness, muscle, sinew
     possessing muscular strength
05035353-n (23)
kuasa, kehebatan, tenaga, kekuatan
force, strength, forcefulness
     physical energy or intensity
05034225-n (5)
kemustajaban, kemujaraban, kuasa, kehebatan, kesan, kemanjuran, kekuatan
effectiveness, strength, potency
     capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects
05159225-n (6)
keistimewaan, keunggulan, kelebihan, kekuatan
specialty, strength, forte, strong point, speciality, metier, strong suit, long suit
     an asset of special worth or utility
05029706-n (42)
kehebatan, kekuatan
     the property of being physically or mentally strong
tenaga, kekuatan
vigor, vigour, dynamism, heartiness
     active strength of body or mind
05190804-n (63)
potensi, kekuasaan, pengaruh, kemujaraban, kuasa, kemanjuran, kekuatan
power, powerfulness
     possession of controlling influence


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