Results for « ke belakang » (ind)
00201354-a (2)
ke belakang, udik, terakhir
     directed or facing toward the back or rear
00074407-r (45)
ke belakang
back, backward, rearward, backwards, rearwards, hindwards, retrograde
     at or to or toward the back or rear
00074201-r (15)
lepas, dahulu, kembali, ke belakang, lalu, mengundur, terbalik, dulu, balik, tunggakan
back, backward
     in or to or toward a past time
00072012-v (3)
melakukan, berurine, ke belakang, buang air kecil, membuatkan, kencing, membentuk, menjadikan, mengurangi
piss, relieve oneself, pass water, make, urinate, piddle, puddle, micturate, pee, pee-pee, make water, take a leak, spend a penny, wee, wee-wee, go, slash, whizz, tinkle, whiz, drain the lizard, shake hands with the unemployed, have a slash, see a man about a horse, take a whizz, do a number one, Syphon the python, take a wicked yes, splash one's boots, see a man about the plumbing, point Percy at the porcelain, have a leak, take a pee, drain the main vein, have a wee, have a pee, go see a man about a horse, have a piss, take a piss, take care of business, take a wee
     eliminate urine
00221985-r (13)
lewat, ke belakang, lambat
     in or to or toward the rear
buang air, menguyuhi, pipis, turas, berurine, ke belakang, buang air kecil, kencing
     pass after the manner of urine
00202250-a (1)
ke belakang
reverse, rearward
     directed or moving toward the rear


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