Results for « jeda » (ind)
15272685-n (4)
jeda, selingan
     an intervening period or episode
02641035-v (32)
V1, V2
melengah-lengah, berjeda, jeda
pause, hesitate
     interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing
jeda, selingan
interlude, intermezzo, entr'acte
     [in music] a brief show (music or dance etc) inserted between the sections of a longer performance
jarak waktu, jeda
interval, musical interval
     the difference in pitch between two notes
15271008-n (12)
jeda, gangguan
pause, break, suspension, interruption, intermission
     a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
04651974-n (8)
rehat, jeda
silence, muteness
     a refusal to speak when expected
14446034-n (3)
pengunduran, lega, penangguhan, jeda, penundaan, kelegaan
respite, reprieve
     suatu pelepasan (sementara) dari kerusakan atau ketidaknyamanan


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