Results for « haluan » (ind)
13827426-n (17)
arah, hala, haluan
     the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves
arah, orientasi, haluan
     position or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific directions
00815320-n (2)
arah, hala, panduan, haluan
guidance, direction, steering
     the act of setting and holding a course
00038262-n (9)
perjalanan, haluan, arus, jalan
course, course of action
     a mode of action
02880008-n (1)
pinggir, haluan, tepi
bow, stem, fore, prow, prore
     front part of a vessel or aircraft
06197215-n (14)
arah, hala, tujuan, haluan
     a general course along which something has a tendency to develop
09387222-n (11)
laluan, kursus, jalur, arah, perjalanan, haluan, aliran
track, course, path, way, trajectory
     a line or route along which something travels or moves
08681222-n (12)
jurusan, kursus, perjalanan, peredaran, haluan, putaran, arus, aliran, pelajaran
course, trend
     general line of orientation
06650701-n (17)
pimpinan, nasihat, hidayah, panduan, saranan, haluan
guidance, direction, counseling, counsel, counselling
     something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action
00203237-a (8)
depan, hadapan, haluan, terus, ke depan
     at or near or directed toward the front
08679972-n (75)
jurusan, arah, hala, pengkhususan, tujuan, haluan, jalan
way, direction
     a line leading to a place or point
00130778-a (3)
anterior, haluan
     dekat ujung kepala atau terhadap bidang depan tubuh


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