Results for « gila » (ind)
daftly, dottily, balmily, nuttily, wackily
     in a mildly insane manner
14395018-n (1)
kegilaan, gila, sakit jiwa, hilang akal
     gangguan pikiran yang relatif permanen
02572038-a (1)
insane, mad, harebrained
     very foolish
gila, rabies
madness, rabies, hydrophobia, lyssa
     penyakit virus akut pada sistem syaraf hewan berdarah panas
00919984-a (1)
     possessed by inordinate excitement
02076416-a (2)
maniacal, maniac
     wildly disordered
10157744-n (3)
angsa, dungu, tolol, gila, bebal, bodoh
jackass, cuckoo, goose, twat, goof, goofball, bozo, fathead, zany
     a man who is a stupid incompetent fool
benak, gila, jiwa, mental
     affected by a disorder of the mind
00435872-a (2)
gila, bodoh
addlebrained, muddleheaded, addlepated, puddingheaded
     stupid and confused
02390724-a (12)
terangsang, mabuk, gila, bebas, kegila-gilaan, tergila-gila
mad, excited, frantic, unrestrained, delirious
     marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
pecandu, gila, kaki
nut, addict, freak, junkie, junky
     someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction
09974496-n (1)
gila, pelik
crackpot, screwball, crank, nut, fruitcake, nut case
     a whimsically eccentric person
02074092-a (11)
gila, kalap, sedeng, sakit ingatan, sesat akal
     afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement
fanatik, gila, penggemar
fanatic, fanatical, overzealous, rabid
     marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea
02075321-a (21)
gila, menjelekkan, seteheng
mad, crazy, sick, unbalanced, disturbed, brainsick, demented, unhinged, off the chain
     affected with madness or insanity
10077879-n (1)
fanatik, gila, penggemar
fanatic, fiend
     a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause)
wild, crazy, dotty, gaga
     intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with
09991530-n (1)
gila, asyik, bersemangat, pemberani
swashbuckler, daredevil, madcap, hothead, lunatic, harum-scarum
     seseorang yang bertindak tanpa berfikir
02077253-a (1)
gila, psikopat
psychopathic, psychopathologic, psychopathological
     suffering from an undiagnosed mental disorder
05751173-n (4)
kegilaan, pendewaan, kegemaran, gila, kegila-gilaan
furor, craze, cult, furore, fad, rage
     an interest followed with exaggerated zeal
14391876-n (12)
kegusaran, gila, kemurkaan, histeria, kemarahan, igauan, kekalutan
frenzy, fury, delirium, hysteria, craze
     emosi yang berlebihan dan tak terkendali
14395240-n (2)
kegilaan, edan, gila, sakit jiwa, gendeng
madness, lunacy, insaneness
     istilah usang untuk kegilaan secara legal
gila, pelik, sasau
buggy, balmy, dotty, haywire, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, cracked, crackers, daft, fruity, kooky, kookie, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, round the bend, around the bend, wacky, whacky
     informal or slang terms for mentally irregular


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