Results for « fancy » (eng)
01688256-v (5)
portray, depict, limn, turn in, generate, deliver, draw, give, render, point, translate, return, provide, show up, yield, visualize, visualise, figure, read, interpret, record, establish, describe, prove, demonstrate, show, shew, submit, project, designate, register, indicate, present, evidence, express, evince, testify, supply, envision, fancy, picture, image, exhibit, usher, fork out      [in art] make a portrait of
05632272-n (1)
fancy      a kind of imagination that was held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than true imagination
01776468-v (5)
take to, fancy, go for      have a fancy or particular liking or desire for
01794340-a (3)
fancy, decorative, ornate      not plain; decorative or ornamented
01635432-v (77)
see, picture, visualize, envision, figure, fancy, visualise, project, image      imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind
07497797-n (3)
fondness, fancy, partiality      a predisposition to like something
05896059-n (9)
illusion, fancy, fantasy, phantasy      something many people believe that is false
01777210-v (73)
like, fancy      find enjoyable or agreeable


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