Results for « end » (eng)
02735418-v (10)
end, terminate      be the end of; be the last or concluding part of
05868477-n (13)
end      a final part or section
conclusion, ending, close, closing, end      the last section of a communication
10056398-n (3)
end      [in football] the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage
15266911-n (31)
end, ending      the point in time at which something ends
00352826-v (37)
end, terminate      bring to an end or halt
07291794-n (23)
end, last, final stage      the concluding parts of an event or occurrence
08566028-n (35)
end, terminal      either extremity of something that has length
end, oddment, remainder, remnant      a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold
08566884-n (1)
end      one of two places from which people are communicating to each other
08566707-n (5)
end      the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object
00787727-n (1)
end      the part you are expected to play
05980875-n (56)
goal, end      the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it
end      put an end to
02609764-v (70)
end, finish, cease, terminate, stop, halt, discontinue, cancel, blin      have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical
14562960-n (7)
end, death, destruction      a final state
08565894-n (2)
end      a boundary marking the extremities of something
end      a position on the line of scrimmage


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