Results for « daratan » (ind)
02810102-a (1)
darat, daratan
terrestrial, terrene, tellurian, telluric, earthly
     berhubungan dengan yang mendiami tanah
darat, daratan
     hidup atau tumbuh di atas tanah
13246662-n (8)
bumi, tanah, daratan, tanah milik
acres, land, estate, demesne, landed estate
     extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use
09334396-n (116)
bumi, buana, tanah, darat, daratan
ground, earth, land, terra firma, dry land, solid ground
     the solid part of the earth's surface
13250048-n (22)
bumi, daerah, tanah, daratan
     the land on which real estate is located
bumi, perladangan, pertanian, tanah, daratan, perkebunan
farming, land
     agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life
14842992-n (27)
bumi, tanah, daratan
earth, ground
     the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface


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