Results for « bersemangat » (ind)
02000968-a (3)
melampau, bersemangat, keterlaluan, berlebih-lebihan
extravagant, exuberant, excessive, overweening
     unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
01727133-a (1)
lusty, lustful, concupiscent
     vigorously passionate
02278939-a (3)
     displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness
mesra, benar-benar, hangat, betul-betul, bersemangat
ardent, warm
     characterized by strong enthusiasm
     filled with events or activity
04857083-n (16)
kegagahan, keperwiraan, berani, ketabahan, keperkasaan, keberanian, bersemangat
courage, bravery, courageousness, braveness
     a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear
tekun, giat, galak, bersemangat
avid, zealous
     marked by active interest and enthusiasm
00804695-a (7)
girang, rancak, riang, hangat, bersemangat, aktif
     full of life and energy
04858785-n (2)
kegagahan, berani, keberanian, bersemangat
boldness, daring, hardiness, hardihood
     the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger
00885695-a (9)
asyik, giat, hangat, bersemangat, berapi-api
     having or showing great excitement and interest
00874226-a (2)
lincah, pantas, Lincah, laju, bersemangat, cepat, cergas, kencang
brisk, alert, lively, zippy, merry, rattling, snappy, spanking
     quick and energetic
rancak, hidup, bersemangat, menyeronokkan
scintillating, sparkly, bubbling, effervescent, frothy
     marked by high spirits or excitement
02530861-a (8)
peramah, mesra, bersemangat, ramah
     psychologically warm; friendly and responsive
02280969-a (4)
rancak, tahan, bersemangat
vibrant, vivacious
     vigorous and animated
04859816-n (1)
kegagahan, berani, keberanian, bersemangat
pluck, gutsiness, pluckiness
     the trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or injury
05032351-n (3)
kegagahan, tabah hati, ketabahan, keberanian, bersemangat
guts, backbone, grit, moxie, sand, gumption
     fortitude and determination
09991530-n (1)
gila, asyik, bersemangat, pemberani
swashbuckler, daredevil, madcap, hothead, lunatic, harum-scarum
     seseorang yang bertindak tanpa berfikir
02279723-a (7)
exuberant, high-spirited, ebullient
     joyously unrestrained
02039845-a (1)
bertenaga, kuat, bersemangat
     strong and active physically or mentally
rancak, hidup, bersemangat
     brilliantly clever
01726235-a (10)
marak, benar-benar, meluap, betul-betul, bersemangat, berapi-api
impassioned, fervent, fiery, ardent, fervid, torrid, perfervid
     characterized by intense emotion
00119006-a (1)
rancak, hangat, bersemangat
full of life, vital, lively
     full of spirit
00262792-a (11)
perkasa, tabah hati, berani, berakah, megak, gagah berani, candang, gagah perkasa, bagak, tegar pelupuk mata, bersemangat, rana, pemberani, wirawan, perwira, kosen, gagah
brave, courageous, stalwart, resilient, doughty
     possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching


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