Results for « benar » (ind)
benar, ya
     an affirmative
00631391-a (25)
jitu, benar, korek, betul, tepat
right, correct
     free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth
00149510-r (78)
benar, sesungguhnya, benar-benar, betul-betul, sebenarnya, sungguh mati
really, actually, truly, indeed, literally, in fact, in reality, truthfully
     in actual fact
00956131-a (10)
benar, saksama, adil, jujur
fair, just
     free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules
objektif, benar
     milik pengalaman langsung dari hal-hal aktual
02179279-a (6)
zakiah, benar, ikhlas, tulus, jujur
     open and genuine; not deceitful
13955461-n (16)
realitas, benar, hakikat, realisme, kenyataan
reality, realism, realness
     keadaan sesungguhnya atau nyata
00046299-r (10)
sangat, benar, terlampau, sampai ke sumsum, melampau, amat, terlalu, tersangat, sungguh
extremely, exceedingly, super, passing
     to an extreme degree
benar, ikhlas, amanah, jujur, lurus
     habitually speaking the truth
01222360-a (11)
benar, ikhlas, amanah, jujur, sadu, lurus
honest, honorable
     not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent
01369663-a (4)
berpatutan, patut, benar, adil
     used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting
00037226-r (82)
benar, benar-benar, bahwasanya, betul, betul-betul, sungguh mati, sungguh
really, truly, genuinely
     in accordance with truth or fact or reality
02460964-a (16)
nyata, benar, sejati, hidup, betul, hakiki, sebenarnya, tulen, aktual, asli, jati
literal, actual, genuine, real, authentic
     being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something
00038013-r (7)
benar, benar-benar, bahwasanya, betul-betul, sungguh mati
in truth, really, truly
     in fact
00914421-a (8)
eksakta, jitu, teliti, benar, saksama, tepat, terperinci, persis, seksama
     marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact
00021766-a (12)
jitu, benar, saksama, ketepatan, eksak, tepat, akurat
accurate, particular, correct, exact, nice, just
     conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy
00135455-a (3)
cocok, benar, berguna, sempurna, betul, tepat, sesuai
proper, right, apt, sensible, correct, fitting, prudent
     sesuai untuk kondisi atau tujuan atau kesempatan atau karakter seseorang
06724323-n (1)
gospel, gospel truth
     an unquestionable truth
01879464-a (2)
benar, betul, membetulkan
correct, right
     in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure
02460502-a (83)
asi, benar, betul, sahih
     consistent with fact or reality; not false
06455138-n (9)
benar, Injil Kanonikal, gospel, Kitab Injil, Injil
Gospel, Gospels, evangel
     the four books in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that tell the story of Christ's life and teachings
00089408-r (12)
sangat, benar, sampai ke sumsum, melampau, amat, tinggi, sungguh
extremely, highly
     to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much respect
00018577-r (47)
benar, sehabis, benar-benar, betul, cukup, sekali
     to the greatest extent; completely
00633410-a (2)
benar, betul, membetulkan, tepat
right, correct, just
     correct in opinion or judgment
00510749-r (11)
sangat, benar, sampai ke sumsum, amat, terlalu, banget, metah, begitu, bukan main
     precisely so
01932973-a (54)
nyata, benar, sejati, betul, ada, wujud
real, existent
     being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory


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