Results for « ayah » (ind)
10102800-n (3)
bapa, pengasas, ayah, nenek moyang, leluhur
father, forefather, sire
     the founder of a family
10080869-n (72)
bapa, aba, ayah, abah, papa, ayahanda, bapak
father, male parent, begetter
     a male parent (also used as a term of address to your father)
10107303-n (1)
pemula, pendiri, bapa, pengasas, pencipta, ayah, penemu
founder, father, beginner, founding father
     a person who founds or establishes some institution
paternalis, ibu, ayah, parental, orang tua
parental, maternal, paternal
     relating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent
09988063-n (51)
bapa, ayah, abah, pak
papa, pa, dad, daddy, pop, dada, pappa, pater, da
     an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk


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