Results for « arah » (ind)
00815320-n (2)
arah, hala, panduan, haluan
guidance, direction, steering
     the act of setting and holding a course
13827426-n (17)
arah, hala, haluan
     the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves
arah, orientasi, haluan
     position or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific directions
00749963-v (9)
mengamanatkan, menyuruh, memesani, mengarahkan, arah, mengajari, berpesan, menginstruksikan
     give instructions or directions for some task
06197215-n (14)
arah, hala, tujuan, haluan
     a general course along which something has a tendency to develop
09387222-n (11)
laluan, kursus, jalur, arah, perjalanan, haluan, aliran
track, course, path, way, trajectory
     a line or route along which something travels or moves
01710317-v (13)
V1, V2
mengelola, mengarahkan, arah, mengarah
     [in performing_arts] guide the actors in (plays and films)
00710005-v (6)
merancang, menata, mengelola, mengarahkan, menjuruskan, mengatur, arah, mengurus, menyelenggara, mengetuai, mengadakan, mengarah, kelola, mendalangi, membentuk, mengemudikan, mengaturkan, mengusahakan
organize, mastermind, organise, engineer, direct, orchestrate
     plan and direct (a complex undertaking)
08679972-n (75)
jurusan, arah, hala, pengkhususan, tujuan, haluan, jalan
way, direction
     a line leading to a place or point
08680888-n (1)
arah, sasaran, hubungan, tujuan
bearing, aim, heading
     the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies


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