Results for « American » (eng)
American Samoa, Eastern Samoa, AS, American      a United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa
06947479-n (2)
American, American English, American language      the English language as used in the United States
American      a native or inhabitant of a North American or Central American or South American country
10802283-n (13)
Yank, Yankee, Northerner, American      an American who lives in the North (especially during the American Civil War)
09738708-n (33)
American      a native or inhabitant of the United States
02927303-a (4)
American, US American, Usonian, United Statesian, US-ian      of or relating to or characteristic of the continents and islands of the Americas
02927512-a (117)
American      of or relating to the United States of America or its people or language or culture


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