Results for « tipu helah » (zsm)
00753685-n (2)
olokan, fraud, tipu helah, menghelah, olok-olok, kicang-kicu, fraude, pemalsuan, kepalsuan, memperdaya, kicang-kecoh, penipuan, pengecohan, tipu muslihat, tipu
fraud, put-on, fraudulence, dupery, hoax, humbug
     something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage
00427580-n (2)
telatah, helah, usikan, tipu helah, muslihat, perangai, bercanda, kepandaian, mempermainkan, gelagat, bergurau, tipu
trick, joke, antic, prank, caper, put-on
     a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
00171618-n (2)
ceneker, tipu helah, perdayaan, seloroh, penipuan, pengecohan, mendayai, tipu, kilah
trick, fast one
     a cunning or deceitful action or device
02319346-a (1)
tipu helah, sulit
underhanded, sneaky, underhand
     marked by deception
00172598-n (1)
helah, tipu helah, muslihat, kepura-puraan, mahir, kepalsuan, pandai, tipu daya, tipu muslihat
artifice, ruse
     a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)


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