Results for « timbul » (zsm)
00057149-a (2)
brocaded, raised, embossed
     embellished with a raised pattern created by pressure or embroidery
00339934-v (319)
V1, VX
terjadi, timbul, berlaku, berlalu, muncul, mengoperkan, tersungkap, tanggal, berlangsung, jadi, terdapat, mengoper, mengamuk, melampaui, peluruh, terlintas
happen, occur, take place, go on, pass, come about, pass off, hap, fall out
     come to pass
01904293-v (5)
V1, V2
berapungan, umbang, timbul, tergenang, katung, renang, mengapung, apung, berenang, menggenangi, terambang-ambang, terkapung-kapung, terapung-apung, terapung, melampung, mengapungkan, menggayun
float, swim
     be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom
01990281-v (13)
meningkat, terbit, timbul, meninggi, naik, berekor, bangkit, terapung
rise, rise up, come up, surface
     come to the surface
02624263-v (75)
meningkat, memajukan, terbit, timbul, meninggi, berkembang, muncul, berpunca, bangkit, berasal, keluar, hidup, tumbuh, bangun, membina, bermula, memulakan, menghasilkan
arise, develop, originate, spring up, grow, rise, uprise
     come into existence; take on form or shape
07321772-n (4)
kemunculan, terbit, timbul, penjelmaan, kelihatan
     the event of coming into sight
01990694-v (3)
nampak, terbit, timbul, muncul, keluar, kelihatan
     come up to the surface of or rise
00345508-v (10)
merengat, timbul, berjangkit, meletus, meledak, cetus, mengamuk, menjangkit
erupt, break out
     start abruptly
02583139-v (6)
meningkat, terbit, timbul, meninggi, naik, bangkit, memberontak, menentang, melawan, bangun, mendagi
rebel, rise, arise, rise up
     take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance
02625786-v (11)
timbul, berekor, muncul, bangkit
arise, come up, bob up
     originate or come into being
01759326-v (35)
mengacum, timbul, memarakkan, memprovokasi, berbangkit, memancing, menghidupkan, menyalakan, memperhentikan, mencaduk, mengejutkan, menimbulkan, memberangsangkan, menyulut, menyebabkan, menghasut, memberhentikan, mendapat, meninggikan, mengobarkan, memiara, mendepak, mengonslah, mencetuskan, membesarkan, mengejuti, membangkitkan, menggugah, memelihara
arouse, evoke, elicit, provoke, raise, fire, enkindle, kindle
     call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
00423702-v (58)
terbit, timbul, muncul, keluar, menongol
come out, come on, turn up, show up, surface
     appear or become visible; make a showing
01874568-v (3)
timbul, mengapung, apung, mengambang-ambang, terkapung-kapung, mengapungkan
     set afloat
00422090-v (102)
terbit, timbul, muncul, tampak, tunjuk diri, tersembul, kelihatan, tersempul, menjelma, menongol
     come into sight or view
00339738-v (15)
terjadi, timbul, berlaku, berekor, muncul, bangkit
come up, arise
     result or issue
01968569-v (53)
meningkat, terbit, timbul, menyondang, meninggi, naik, berekor, rafak, membinjat, bangkit, ke atas, menganjungkan, mengumpil, menaik
rise, go up, move up, lift, come up, arise, uprise, climb
     move upward
00426581-v (5)
nampak, terbit, timbul, muncul, keluar, kelihatan, menjelma
     become known or apparent
01629958-v (24)
menghidupi, menghadapkan, timbul, meminta, berbangkit, mengimbau, menyeru, melontarkan, tersorong, mencaduk, mewujudkan, mengasuh, menimbulkan, mengarih, mengetengahkan, mendidik, mencadangkan, meninggikan, memiara, merenyukkan, menghasilkan, memohon, menyorong, membesarkan, membangkitkan, menggugah, memelihara
raise, invoke, conjure up, bring up, arouse, stir, conjure, call down, put forward, evoke, call forth
     summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
01970348-v (1)
meningkat, terbit, timbul, meninggi, menaiki, menanjak, naik, berekor, muncul, bangkit, menaik
rise, uprise, come up, ascend
     [in astronomy] come up, of celestial bodies


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