Results for « teguran » (zsm)
06713930-n (1)
nasihat, khutbah, teguran
speech, lecture, talking to
     a lengthy rebuke
07225167-n (3)
kaveat, perhatian, amaran, teguran
caution, caveat
     a warning against certain acts
06711855-n (1)
kutuk, kritikan, celaan, teguran, cela
reproof, rebuke, reproval, reprehension, reprimand
     an act or expression of criticism and censure
05734018-n (3)
kritikan, celaan, teguran, kecaman, kritik
criticism, critique
     a serious examination and judgment of something
00258854-n (2)
pembetulan, ralat, koreksian, koreksi, teguran, membetuli
correction, rectification
     the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right
06765044-n (56)
kritikan, pendapat, komentar, buah fikiran, ulasan, teguran, hasyiat, komen
remark, comment, input
     a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information
07224151-n (13)
pemberitahuan, amaran, teguran, peringatan
     a message informing of danger
06767035-n (1)
pengamatan, pemerhatian, pendapat, pencerapan, perhatian, buah fikiran, teguran, catatan, komen
observation, reflection, reflexion
     a remark expressing careful consideration
06713752-n (3)
celaan, teguran
blame, rap
     a reproach for some lapse or misdeed
06374587-n (2)
kritikan, celaan, teguran, kecaman
criticism, literary criticism
     a written evaluation of a work of literature
amaran, teguran
monition, admonition, admonishment, criticism, rebuke, reproof, reproval
     a firm rebuke
06672297-n (13)
amaran, teguran, peringatan
warning, admonition, word of advice, monition
     cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness)
05703429-n (4)
kepatuhan, pengamatan, pemerhatian, pendapat, pencerapan, perhatian, buah fikiran, teguran, catatan
notice, observation, observance
     the act of noticing or paying attention


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