Results for « tajam akal » (zsm)
00438909-a (9)
bijaksana, tajam akal, bijak, cerdas, tajam, pintar, pandai
sharp, shrewd, astute, crafty, wily
     marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
01334398-a (4)
terang akal, berakal, tajam akal, bijak, cemerlang, cerdas, cerdik, encer, pintar, pandai
     having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree
01926089-a (1)
berakal, tajam akal, bijak, cerdas, cerdik, pintar, pandai
intelligent, reasoning, thinking
     endowed with the capacity to reason
00438707-a (8)
tajam fikiran, allamah, tajam akal, bijak, bestari, cerdas, cerdik, pintar, pandai, fatan
     showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness


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