Results for « ralat » (zsm)
04802629-n (6)
kesilapan, ralat, kesalahan
error, erroneousness
     inadvertent incorrectness
06769392-n (2)
kesilapan, ralat, kesalahan
mistake, error
     part of a statement that is not correct
00258854-n (2)
pembetulan, ralat, koreksian, koreksi, teguran, membetuli
correction, rectification
     the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right
misprint, erratum, typographical error, typo, literal error, literal
     a mistake in printed matter resulting from mechanical failures of some kind
00070965-n (36)
kesilapan, khilaf, ralat, kesalahan, kekhilafan, kekeliruan, silap
error, mistake, fault
     a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention


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