Results for « penyesalan » (zsm)
07535670-n (6)
kekesalan, kedukaan, dukacita, kesedihan, sesal, penyesalan, kenestapaan
regret, sorrow, rue, ruefulness
     sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment
07548978-n (14)
kekecewaan, penyesalan, kegeraman, kemarahan, dendam, kegetiran
bitterness, resentment, rancor, gall, rancour, acrimony, rancor/rancour
     a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
01743217-a (1)
insaf, menyesal, bertaubat, penyesalan
repentant, penitent
     feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds
07536870-n (2)
sesal, penyesalan, tobat, sesalan, taubat
penance, repentance, penitence
     remorse for your past conduct
00217998-r (2)
ruefully, contritely, remorsefully
     in a rueful manner
07536074-n (2)
sesal, belas kasihan, penyesalan, sesalan, kesalan
compunction, remorse, self-reproach, contrition, repentance, penitence, agenbite
     a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed)


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