Results for « kewaspadaan » (zsm)
05615869-n (7)
berhati-hati, kewaspadaan, perhatian, kepedulian
care, caution, precaution, forethought
     judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger
kewaspadaan, kecemasan, tanda bahaya, amaran
alarm, alert, warning signal, alarum
     an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger
kebijaksanaan, kewaspadaan
caution, circumspection
     the trait of being circumspect and prudent
04664058-n (3)
berhati-hati, kewaspadaan, perhatian
caution, carefulness, cautiousness
     the trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger
kewaspadaan, tanda bahaya, berjaga
alert, qui vive
     condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action
05705722-n (4)
kewaspadaan, pengawasan
alertness, vigilance, watchfulness, wakefulness
     the process of paying close and continuous attention


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