Results for « kemahiran » (zsm)
00606370-n (19)
seni, pertukangan, perdagangan, kemahiran, pekerjaan, niaga
trade, craft
     the skilled practice of a practical occupation
05622456-n (3)
kecekapan, kebolehan, kecakapan, kemahiran, bakat
     inherent ability
kemahiran, kecekatan
     the state of being cognitively skillful
03485655-n (1)
kemahiran, kerja tangan
handiwork, handicraft, handcraft, handwork
     a work produced by hand labor
05641959-n (7)
penguasaan, kepakaran, kepandaian, kehandalan, kemahiran, keahlian
mastery, control, command
     great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity
04717139-n (8)
kecekapan, kelayakan, kemahiran
qualification, making
     an attribute that must be met or complied with and that fits a person for something
05636887-n (11)
kecekapan, keterampilan, ketangkasan, kemahiran, skil
skill, science, ability, talent
     ability to produce solutions in some problem domain
00583246-n (24)
pertukangan, kerja, memanggil, kemahiran, pekerjaan, kerjaya
career, vocation, calling
     the particular occupation for which you are trained
05637558-n (39)
kecekapan, kebolehan, perolehan, kemahiran
skill, accomplishment, attainment, acquisition, acquirement, accession
     an ability that has been acquired by training
     deftness in handling matters
05616786-n (1)
kepandaian, kemahiran
     the (technical) knowledge and skill required to do something
00609953-n (5)
pertukangan, profesion, profesi, profesional, kemahiran, pekerjaan
     an occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences)
05154114-n (1)
kecekapan, cekap, kemampuan, mahir, kemahiran
     the quality of having great facility and competence
05640729-n (2)
kepakaran, kejuruan, kemahiran
expertise, expertness
     skillfulness by virtue of possessing special knowledge
05638063-n (1)
kerajinan, kebolehan, pertukangan, kepandaian, kemahiran, ketukangan, keahlian
craftsmanship, craft, workmanship
     skill in an occupation or trade
kecekapan, ketangkasan, kepantasan, kemahiran, kecekatan
dexterity, manual dexterity, sleight
     adroitness in using the hands


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