Results for « kecemasan » (zsm)
07521674-n (6)
kegelisahan, keresahan, kekhuatiran, ketakutan, kecemasan, kebimbangan
apprehension, dread, apprehensiveness
     fearful expectation or anticipation
05832264-n (17)
kekhuatiran, kerisauan, kecemasan, kebimbangan
worry, headache, concern, vexation
     something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness
07524529-n (20)
kegelisahan, khuatir, kerunsingan, keresahan, kekhuatiran, kerisauan, bimbang, kepedulian, kecemasan, perawatan, pengawasan, kebimbangan
concern, fear, care
     an anxious feeling
kegelisahan, keresahan, kecemasan
disquiet, anxiousness
     a feeling of mild anxiety about possible developments
14476852-n (3)
kekacauan, bencana, kedukaan, dukacita, kecelakaan, kesedihan, kepedihan, kecemasan
     a state of adversity (danger or affliction or need)
07525057-n (2)
kegelisahan, keresahan, kecemasan
uneasiness, edginess, inquietude, disquietude
     feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritable
kaget, ketakutan, takut, kecemasan
scare, panic attack
     a sudden attack of fear
07519773-n (9)
kengerian, kekejutan, kebingungan, ketakutan, kecemasan, cemas, bingung
alarm, dismay, consternation
     fear resulting from the awareness of danger
     made necessary by an unexpected situation or emergency
07520612-n (18)
kengerian, ketakutan, kecemasan, cemas, panik
terror, panic, affright
     an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety
00872414-v (10)
menggera, kecemasan
alert, alarm
     warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness
14032599-n (1)
darurat, kecemasan
     a state in which martial law applies
07523905-n (9)
kegelisahan, keresahan, kekhuatiran, kerisauan, kecemasan, kebimbangan
     a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune
07417405-n (10)
darurat, kecemasan
emergency, pinch, exigency
     a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action
kewaspadaan, kecemasan, tanda bahaya, amaran
alarm, alert, warning signal, alarum
     an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger
14374432-n (20)
kegelisahan, keresahan, ketakutan, kerisauan, kecemasan, kebimbangan
anxiety, anxiousness
     [in psychiatry] a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic


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