Results for « kawat » (zsm)
02933842-n (1)
kawat, kabel, tali belati, telegram, wayar
     a very strong thick rope made of twisted hemp or steel wire
02934168-n (10)
talian, kawat, kabel, barisan, telegram, deretan
line, cable, transmission line
     a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
kawat, kabel, telegram
cable, cable television
     television that is transmitted over cable directly to the receiver
kawat, telegram, televisyen kabel
cable, cable television, cable system, cable television service
     a television system that transmits over cables
06275095-n (2)
kawat, kabel, telegram
cable, cablegram, overseas telegram
     a telegram sent abroad
03670849-n (2)
talian, kawat, rangka, jalur, barisan, garisan, baris, tali, ampaian, dawai, bentuk, deretan, garis
     something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible
06622709-n (3)
surat kawat, kawat, telegram
telegram, wire, cable
     a message transmitted by telegraph


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