Results for « hidup » (zsm)
merampok, hidup, membalik-balik, berjalan, mencari-cari
go, rifle
     go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way
05193338-n (5)
hidup, pewarnaan, berseri-seri, variasi
color, vividness, colour
     interest and variety and intensity
10260706-n (5)
nyawa, kehidupan, hidup, takdir, jiwa
     a living person
bernyawa, hidup
     exerting force or containing energy
rancak, hidup
     a brisk and lively tempo
15140405-n (24)
tempoh, kehidupan, hayat, hidup, takdir
life, lifetime, life-time, lifespan
     the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)
00539110-v (4)
gerak, bergerak, bergeser, membuyarkan, beralih, hidup, memindahkan, buyar, berpindah, berganjak, memasang, berangkat, mengalir, berjalan, menggerakkan, lari, menjadi, jalan, pergi
go, move, run
     progress by being changed
menggalurkan, membuyarkan, menguraikan, carik, hidup, buyar, memasang, terurai, mengalir
run, unravel
     become undone
01941026-a (13)
grafik, hidup
vivid, lifelike, pictorial, graphic
     evoking lifelike images within the mind
01651196-a (6)
atas, di, hidup, pada, berjalan
     in operation or operational
01076615-v (1)
bergerak, bergeser, beralih, hidup, memindahkan, berpindah, berganjak, giliran, berangkat, berjalan, menggerakkan, pergi
go, move
     have a turn; make one's move in a game
02460964-a (16)
nyata, benar, sejati, hidup, tulen, betul, hakiki, sebenarnya, aktual, asli, jati
literal, actual, genuine, real, authentic
     being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something
01864230-v (8)
V1, V2
bergerak, mula, hidup, memulai, pulang, mengawali, berangkat, berjalan, balik, bertolak, bermula, mulai, memulakan, berlepas, membuka, pergi
start, get going, go
     begin or set in motion
02647497-v (18)
tahan, kekal, berkeras, berlaku, membuyarkan, membetahkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, berlangsung, mengalir, berterusan, biasa, wujud, bercabul
persist, prevail, run, endure, die hard
     continue to exist
02719399-v (71)
memiringkan, gemar, cenderung, membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir, mudah, sandar, menunggui, memelihara
tend, incline, run, lean, be given
     have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined
01109863-v (3)
V1, V2
membedel, mengarahkan, menjalankan, beroperasi, menyelenggarakan, hidup
operate, manoeuver, maneuver, manoeuvre
     perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense
13963192-n (66)
nyawa, kehidupan, hayat, hidup, takdir
     a characteristic state or mode of living
02653862-v (14)
beralih, hidup, berangkat, berjalan, pergi
     be awarded; be allotted
01746359-v (3)
membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir, mengangkut, membawa
run, carry
     include as the content; broadcast or publicize
02685951-v (68)
menghabiskan, membidangkan, melintasi, memandu, mengiring, menyeberangi, larikan, menghantar, menganjur, membabarkan, membuyarkan, berlalu, mengoperkan, beralih, lalu, merentangkan, hidup, buyar, memimpin, memampangkan, ke, memasang, meluas, memperpanjang, berangkat, memanjangkan, mengalir, membimbing, mengoper, berjalan, menuntun, beredar, terbentang, mementang, membawa, melampaui, menuju, mengemudikan, mengisi
run, extend, lead, go, pass
     stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point
01510827-v (8)
V1, V2
membedel, menarik, menyelenggarakan, mengupah, hidup, berpanca, bertarung, menghubungkan, mengancingkan
lock, mesh, operate, engage
     keep engaged
01717169-v (6)
membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memetik, memasang, mengalir, bermain-main, mempertontonkan
run, play
     cause to emit recorded audio or video
membuyarkan, menyiarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, berlangsung, mengalir
run, run for
     extend or continue for a certain period of time
02624263-v (75)
meningkat, memajukan, terbit, timbul, meninggi, berkembang, muncul, berpunca, bangkit, berasal, keluar, hidup, tumbuh, bangun, membina, bermula, memulakan, menghasilkan
arise, develop, originate, spring up, grow, rise, uprise
     come into existence; take on form or shape
01525666-v (69)
berjaya, bekerja, mengerjakan, berakhir, bergerak, membedel, menjalankan, membuyarkan, beroperasi, mengendalikan, menyelenggarakan, beralih, hidup, buyar, memasang, berbunyi, kerja, berangkat, mengalir, mengakok, berjalan, lari, berfungsi, jalan, pergi
operate, work, function, run, go
     perform as expected when applied
02700455-v (1)
bercampur, padan, cocok, berpadanan, hidup, mencampurkan, berjalan, sesuai, berpadu, mengarun
blend, go, blend in
     blend or harmonize
15140744-n (18)
kehidupan, hayat, hidup, takdir, umur
     the period between birth and the present time
02176268-v (17)
V1, V2
hidup, berbunyi, berjalan, berbahaya, membahana
sound, go
     make a certain noise or sound
00341560-v (13)
V1, V2
terjadi, melalui, menemui, hidup, berjalan
go, proceed
     follow a certain course
00359916-v (9)
hilang, angkat kaki, hidup, pulang, berjalan, balik, pergi
     be abolished or discarded
13961642-n (30)
animasi, kehidupan, hidup, takdir
life, living, animation, aliveness
     the condition of living or the state of being alive
cergas, giat, hidup, aktif
     [in vent] (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt
02075049-v (52)
membuyarkan, terluput, hidup, buyar, kabur, memasang, berlari, meluputkan, bolos, mengalir, lari, beredar, lolos, pergi, minggat
run, run away, lam, escape, break away, scat, scarper, turn tail, hightail it, bunk, head for the hills, take to the woods, fly the coop
     flee; take to one's heels; cut and run
13962166-n (10)
hidup, daya tahan
survival, endurance
     a state of surviving; remaining alive
01926311-v (106)
menjalankan, membuyarkan, angkat kaki, hidup, buyar, memasang, berlari, mengalir, lari
     move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time
02649830-v (142)
bermastautin, bersemayam, menetap, duduk, hidup, tinggal, mendiami, berumah, berdiam, menghuni, menumpang, diam, bermukim, diami
live, populate, dwell, inhabit
     inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of
rancak, hidup, bersemangat, penuh semangat
     brilliantly clever
00358431-v (156)
lampus, menemui ajal, berlalu, mengoperkan, maut, sampai ajal, hidup, menguak, menutup mata, sampai umur, pulang ke rahmatullah, nazak, arwah, mencekik, hilang nyawa, wafat, mampus, mengoper, berjalan, mati, mendiang, terkorban, tersedak, gugur, melampaui, meninggal dunia, kojol, meninggal, mangkat, lenyap, berpulang, tamat riwayatnya, pergi, ke negeri cacing, bergalang tanah, modar
die, perish, pass away, expire, go, drop dead, croak, choke, conk, pass, decease, exit, kick the bucket, cash in one's chips, buy the farm, give-up the ghost, pop off, snuff it
     pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
00015247-a (4)
besar, hidup, subur, lapang, rimbun
riotous, lush, profuse, exuberant, luxuriant
     produced or growing in extreme abundance
05810561-n (61)
dunia luar, kehidupan, hidup, takdir
life, living
     the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities
mengiring, membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir
run, consort
     keep company
00341285-v (2)
bergerak, membedel, menjalankan, menyelenggarakan, hidup, membedah, berjalan
hidup, berjalan
go, plump
     give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number
13961399-n (41)
nyawa, kehidupan, kewujudan, hidup
     the course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living
01094086-v (14)
kempen, membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, berkempen, berlari, mengalir, mempertandingkan, bertanding
run, campaign
     run, stand, or compete for an office or a position
02659763-v (11)
padan, bersua alurnya, beralih, hidup, memasang, mematutkan, menyesuaikan, berangkat, berjalan, pergi
fit, go
     be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired
membedel, mengoperasi, menyelenggarakan, hidup, membedah
operate on, operate
     [in medicine] perform surgery on
00094448-a (14)
berjiwa, hidup, urip, bernadi, jana
alive, live, living
     possessing life
membuyarkan, meleleh, carik, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir, mencarik
run, ladder
     come unraveled or undone as if by snagging
02614387-v (51)
bersemayam, hidup, tinggal, berumah, berdiam, bermukim
     lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style
00444629-v (3)
V1, V2
mencair, membuyarkan, meleleh, hidup, buyar, memasang, lebur, meluik, mengalir, turun, mencairkan, cair
melt, run, melt down
     reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating
15140892-n (5)
seumur hidup, kehidupan, hayat, hidup, takdir
     the period from the present until death
01192773-v (3)
hidup, lagi, berjalan
go, run low, run short
     to be spent or finished
01941274-a (2)
bernyawa, hidup
     true to life; lifelike
02686625-v (2)
memandu, membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memimpin, memasang, mengalir, membimbing, merebak, mengemudikan, menular
run, lead
     cause something to pass or lead somewhere
02060792-v (1)
membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir, kembang, berdarah, turun, merebak, cair
run, bleed
     be diffused
09178727-n (1)
kehidupan, hidup, takdir
     a motive for living
00434374-v (8)
jatuh, lampus, membongkar, menemui ajal, melemah, mundur, lemah, sampai ajal, merosot, hidup, menutup mata, sampai umur, kandas, wafat, mengurang, berkurang, berjalan, mati, terbentur, mogok, membagi, meninggal dunia, meninggal, mangkat, urung, berpulang, ke negeri cacing, gagal
fail, break, break down, die, conk out, go, go bad, give way, give out, bust, go down
     stop operating or functioning
02721284-v (20)
membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir, berjalan
go, run
     have a particular form
rancak, hidup, menyeronokkan, bersemangat, penuh semangat
scintillating, sparkly, bubbling, effervescent, frothy
     marked by high spirits or excitement
01086103-v (3)
membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, berlari, mengalir, lari, jalan, berlumba
race, run
     compete in a race
hot, live
     [in electricity] charged or energized with electricity
ulang-alik, membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir, berjalan, berulang-alik, alik, bertolak
run, ply
     travel a route regularly
01848718-v (64)
hidup, pulang, berangkat, berjalan, balik, bertolak, berlepas, bertolak punggung, pergi
go, depart, go away
     move away from a place into another direction
01835496-v (487)
beranjak, pindah, gerak, bergerak, bergeser, bergeming, angkat kaki, beralih, hidup, memindahkan, berpindah, berganjak, menjalani, berjalan, menggerakkan, menggarit, pergi
go, move, travel, locomote
     change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically
01212230-v (5)
menghabiskan, memandu, larikan, menarik, menjuruskan, membuyarkan, berlalu, mengoperkan, lalu, hidup, buyar, memimpin, memasang, melukis, mengalir, membimbing, mengoper, beredar, melampaui, membentuk
pass, run, draw, guide
     pass over, across, or through
00006269-n (5)
kehidupan, hidup, takdir, hidupan
     living things collectively
02617083-v (1)
menarik, bernyawa, bernafas, hidup, menghirup
     be alive
02066939-v (19)
membesut, bercucuran, berlinang, membuyarkan, hala, hidup, buyar, salur, memasang, mengalir, tersalur, mengaliri, alir, arus, menggerabak, hanyut, berhamburan, alur, salir
flow, run, feed, course
     move along, of liquids
11473291-n (3)
kehidupan, hidup, takdir
     the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones
01224744-v (21)
memeriksai, membenahi, membedel, menjalankan, mengatur, mengendalikan, kontrol, menyelenggarakan, hidup, mengemudikan, berkabilan, mengawas, mengawal, merajai, memeriksa
operate, control
     handle and cause to function
02372605-v (118)
V1, V2
melalui, bergerak, bergeser, melakukan, beralih, hidup, memindahkan, berpindah, berganjak, berangkat, berjalan, menggerakkan, pergi
go, move, proceed
     follow a procedure or take a course
02727039-v (41)
membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir, antara
range, run
     change or be different within limits
00596644-v (28)
pengalaman, memiliki, mempunyai, bersemayam, tahu, memaklumi, kenal, mengetahui, mengalami, hidup, mengenali, menghayati, menghadapi, merasai, mengenal, tinggal, berumah, berdiam, bermukim
know, experience, live
     have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations
02563327-v (2)
membuyarkan, melakukan, membunuh, menyelenggarakan, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir
run, execute
     carry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine
02242256-v (1)
menyeludup, membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir
run, black market
     [in crime] deal in illegally, such as arms or liquor
02443849-v (54)
bergerak, membedel, menjalankan, membuyarkan, beroperasi, mengendalikan, menyelenggarakan, hidup, buyar, mengurus, memasang, mengalir, berjalan, mengusahakan
operate, run
     direct or control; projects, businesses, etc.
     pursue a positive and satisfying existence
01143838-v (9)
V1, V2
memburu, membuyarkan, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir, berburu, mengejar
hunt, track down, hunt down, run
     pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals)
02618149-v (63)
V1, V2
menyembulkan, kekal, bersemayam, mengarihkan, membetahkan, hidup, tahan uji, tinggal, berumah, berdiam, berjalan, wujud, menganjungkan, menahan, bermukim, mandiri
live, survive, last, endure, go, hold up, hold out, live on
     continue to live through hardship or adversity
     charged with an explosive
00348746-v (78)
menghidupkan, hidup, memulai, mengawali, bermula, mulai, memulakan, membuka, bersosok
start, begin, commence, lead off
     set in motion, cause to start
02614181-v (15)
nampak, bersemayam, insan, orang, manusia, makhluk, hidup, adalah, tinggal, kelihatan, berumah, berdiam, ada, menjadi, wujud, bermukim
live, be
     have life, be alive
00118567-a (2)
cergas, rancak, hidup, berseri-seri
animated, alive
     having life or vigor or spirit
02686471-v (5)
mempengaruhi, memandu, mengiring, menghantar, beralih, menyeret, hidup, memimpin, ke, menghala, berangkat, membimbing, berjalan, menuntun, mengajak, membawa, menuju, mengemudikan, pergi
lead, go
     lead, extend, or afford access
00149583-v (513)
V1, V2
beroleh, memperoleh, mendapatkan, pantai, pesisir, hidup, jadi, berjalan, mengambil, mendapat, menjadi, membawa, mendapati
become, get, go
     enter or assume a certain state or condition
02616713-v (27)
V1, V2
bersemayam, hidup, tinggal, terdapat, berumah, berdiam, ada, wujud, bertahan, berdiri, bermukim, mandiri
live, exist, survive, subsist
     support oneself


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