Results for « fasal » (zsm)
01250101-n (6)
pembetulan, perbaikan, pindaan, pemindaan, fasal
     the act of amending or correcting
06739990-n (29)
sebab, alasan, fasal
     an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon
06392935-n (2)
artikel, kata sandang, pasal, makalah, fasal
article, clause
     [in contract] a separate section of a legal document (as a statute or contract or will)
00007347-n (4)
mula, sebab, penyebab, menimbulkan, punca, menyebabkan, mendatangkan, menetaskan, mengakibatkan, pokok kalimat, fasal
cause, causal agent, causal agency
     any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results


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