13894434-n 'something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings';
Chinese (simplified) 膨胀 , 突出 , 突起 ,
English bulge 3 ( ) , protuberance 1 ( ) , extrusion , protrusion ( ) , jut , prominence , excrescence ( ) , bump , swelling , hump ( ) , gibbosity ( ) , gibbousness ( )
Indonesian tonjol , bonggol , bonjol , benjol , benturan , tersembul , gembul , bongkol , bengkak , tonjolan
Japanese 脹み , 膨み , 突起 , こぶ , つき出し , 脹らみ , 突出 , , 出張り , 隆起 , 出っぱり , 膨らみ , 突き出し , 盛り上がり , 突出物 , 出っ張り , 突出し
彼のポケットの銃は明らかな膨らみを作った; ラクダのこぶ; 彼は、岩が多い傑出の上に立っていた; 後頭骨突出部は、よく発達していた; 角の間の骨が多い突出物
something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings
the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge; the hump of a camel; he stood on the rocky prominence; the occipital protuberance was well developed; the bony excrescence between its horns
Hyponym: belly caput frontal_eminence mogul nub occipital_protuberance snag wart
Hypernym: projection
Semantic Field: shapen
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