11562747-n 'family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination';
English dicot family , magnoliopsid family
family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
Hyponym: aceraceae amygdalaceae anacardiaceae apocynaceae aquifoliaceae aristolochiaceae asclepiadaceae asterid_dicot_family buxaceae cannabidaceae caryophylloid_dicot_family casuarinaceae cecropiaceae celastraceae chloranthaceae combretaceae convolvulaceae cucurbitaceae dilleniid_dicot_family droseraceae ebenaceae elaeagnaceae empetraceae gentianaceae goodeniaceae haloragidaceae hamamelid_dicot_family hippocastanaceae hydnoraceae juglandaceae lecythidaceae leitneriaceae linaceae lobeliaceae loganiaceae lythraceae magnoliid_dicot_family menyanthaceae moraceae myricaceae myrsinaceae myrtaceae nepenthaceae nyssaceae oleaceae orobanchaceae piperaceae plantaginaceae plumbaginaceae polygonaceae primulaceae proteaceae punicaceae rafflesiaceae rhamnaceae rhizophoraceae roridulaceae rosid_dicot_family salvadoraceae sapindaceae sapotaceae sarraceniaceae saururaceae staphylaceae styracaceae symplocaceae theophrastaceae thymelaeaceae trapaceae ulmaceae urticaceae vitaceae
Hypernym: family
Holonym–Member: dicotyledones
Semantic Field: plantn
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SUMO: ⊂ FloweringPlant

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