01862557-n 'a family of mammals';
English mammal family
a family of mammals
Hyponym: ailuropodidae antilocapridae aplodontiidae balaenidae balaenopteridae bassariscidae bathyergidae bovidae bovinae bradypodidae caenolestidae callithricidae camelidae canidae capromyidae castoridae caviidae cebidae cercopithecidae cervidae chinchillidae chrysochloridae cricetidae cynocephalidae dasypodidae dasyproctidae dasyuridae daubentoniidae delphinidae desmodontidae didelphidae dipodidae dugongidae elephantidae equidae erethizontidae erinaceidae eschrichtiidae felidae geomyidae gerbillinae giraffidae gliridae gomphotheriidae heteromyidae hippopotamidae hipposideridae hominidae hyaenidae hydrochoeridae hydromyinae hylobatidae hystricidae indriidae lemuridae leporidae lorisidae lutrinae macropodidae mammutidae manidae megadermatidae megalonychidae megatheriidae melinae mephitinae molossidae monodontidae muridae muroidea mustelidae mylodontidae myrmecophagidae notoryctidae ochotonidae odobenidae ornithorhynchidae orycteropodidae otariidae peramelidae petauristidae phalangeridae phocidae phyllostomidae physeteridae platanistidae platyrrhini pongidae potamogalidae potoroinae procaviidae procyonidae rhinocerotidae rhinolophidae sciuridae soricidae spalacidae suidae tachyglossidae talpidae tapiridae tarsiidae tayassuidae tenrecidae tragulidae trichechidae tupaiidae uintatheriidae ursidae vespertilionidae viverridae vombatidae zapodidae ziphiidae
Hypernym: family
Holonym–Member: vertebrata
Semantic Field: animaln
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