Results for « prima » (ita)
00067045-r (4)
preventivamente, prima, in anticipo, anticipatamente
in advance, ahead, beforehand
     ahead of time; in anticipation
00103554-r (50)
per la prima volta, prima, per-la-prima-volta
first, for the first time
     the initial time
13846199-n (9)
first, number one
     the first or highest in an ordering or series
07329363-n (1)
première, debutto, prima
opening, opening night, curtain raising
     the first performance (as of a theatrical production)
00259096-r (9)
earlier, sooner
     comparatives of `soon' or `early'
06893285-n (1)
prima, premie're
     prima rappresentazione di un'opera teatrale o cinematografica
00060632-r (30)
anteriormente, precedentemente, prima, antecedentemente, in precedenza, in antecedenza
previously, antecedently
     fatto in un periodo di tempo precedente
00102736-r (64)
innanzitutto, anzi tutto, anzitutto, innanzi tutto, dapprima, in primo luogo, prima, in primis
first, first of all, first off, firstly, foremost, first up
     before anything else
     the second canonical hour; about 6 a.m.
prima, prima marcia
first, first gear, low gear, low
     the lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving
00060939-r (86)
anteriormente, già, prima, avanti, innanzi
before, earlier
     earlier in time; previously
prima, prima classe
first class
     the most expensive accommodations on a ship or train or plane
00066781-r (51)
davanti, dirimpetto, anteriormente, prima, innanzi, di fronte
in front, ahead, before
     indica il luogo antistante
00118965-r (28)
anticamente, già, prima
once, formerly, at one time, erstwhile, erst
     at a previous time


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