Results for « onore » (ita)
07531536-n (5)
lustro, onore, orgoglio, prestigio, vanto
     satisfaction with your (or another's) achievements
04886881-n (16)
onore, decoro, dignità
dignity, self-respect, self-regard, self-worth
     qualità di chi gode di una buona reputazione
06696483-n (21)
onoranza, onore, distinzione, premio
honor, award, laurels, honour, accolade
     a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
14436875-n (5)
gloria, onore, privilegio, vanto
honor, honour, laurels
     condizione di ammirazione, stima e apprezzamento tributati per meriti speciali
05158296-n (8)
prerogativa, onore, privilegio
     a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all
04869106-n (3)
honor, honour
     the quality of being honorable and having a good name
06697195-n (6)
onore, omaggio
tribute, testimonial
     something given or done as an expression of esteem


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