Results for « manifestare » (ita)
00943837-v (83)
estrinsecare, mostrare, esteriorizzare, esprimere, esternare, dimostrare, manifestare
express, show, evince
     rendere evidente
00940384-v (38)
formulare, esprimere, esternare, manifestare, profferire, proferire, pronunciare
express, utter, verbalize, verbalise, give tongue to
     manifestare verbalmente
00933821-v (56)
V2, V3
disserrare, palesare, svelare, rivelare, manifestare, divulgare, anticipare, diffondere, diserrare
disclose, reveal, expose, discover, give away, break, let out, let on, divulge, bring out, unwrap
     make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
02143283-v (47)
palesare, mostrare, svelare, portare alla luce, rivelare, dimostrare, manifestare, scoprire, esporre
reveal, bring out, uncover, unveil, open, discover, show, communicate, disclose, divulge, impart
     make visible
00740577-v (8)
V1, V2, V3
manifestare, comunicare, trasmettere
communicate, intercommunicate
     far parte ad altri di qlco., esprimere pensieri sentimenti opinioni
00944548-v (9)
manifestare, sfogare
give vent, vent, ventilate
     manifestare liberamente con atti o con parole, sentimenti o stati d'animo


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