Results for « boato » (ita)
07121361-n (8)
bramito, boato, deflagrazione
hollering, bellow, roar, holler, bellowing, holla, hollo, holloa, roaring, yowl
     a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal)
07392483-n (6)
mormorio, rumoreggiamento, boato, borboglio, rumorio, fragore, borbogliamento, rimbombo, rombo, brontolamento
rumble, grumble, grumbling, rumbling
     rumore cupo e sordo
07377682-n (25)
rintronamento, boato, ruggito, fragore, rimbombo, rombo, muggito
roar, thunder, boom, roaring
     forte rumore cupo


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