Results for « urutan » (ind)
01010458-n (4)
rentetan, urutan, rantaian, berturut-turut, turutan
sequence, succession
     the action of following in order
01009871-n (3)
urutan, pengaturan, aturan, keteraturan, susunan, arahan, tertib, perintah
ordering, order
     the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement
04173172-n (3)
urutan, babak
sequence, episode
     film consisting of a succession of related shots that develop a given subject in a movie
urutan, pengaturan, aturan, susunan, arahan, tertib, perintah
order, monastic order
     a group of person living under a religious rule
08456993-n (10)
urutan, pengaturan, aturan, susunan, arahan, tertib, perintah, order
order, ordering, ordination
     logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements
08459252-n (13)
     serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern


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