Results for « tanah milik » (ind)
13246662-n (8)
bumi, tanah, daratan, tanah milik
acres, land, estate, demesne, landed estate
     extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use
kawasan, tanah milik
     the authority of a lord
14514039-n (28)
kawasan, orbit, gelanggang, lingkungan sosial, medan, daerah, peredaran, arena, domain, bidang, wilayah, ranah, tanah milik
area, field, sphere, domain, arena, orbit
     suatu lingkungan tertentu atau jalan kehidupan
08556491-n (13)
kawasan, daerah, domain, wilayah, tanah milik
land, domain, demesne
     territory over which rule or control is exercised


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