Results for « sial » (ind)
07160424-n (2)
sihir, sial
curse, hex, jinx, whammy
     an evil spell
14854581-n (1)
tahi, sial, najis, berak
shit, poop, crap, dirt, shite, turd
     obscene terms for feces
07304852-n (5)
nasib malang, kecelakaan, bala, sial
misfortune, bad luck
     unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event
01050890-a (24)
menyedihkan, kasihan, sengsara, celaka, malang, azab, sial
poor, piteous, miserable, pathetic, hapless, wretched, pitiable, pitiful, misfortunate, deplorable, arm
     deserving or inciting pity
11427842-n (1)
kemalangan, kecelakaan, sial
bad luck, mishap, mischance
     an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate
01049462-a (7)
sarau, nasib malang, sewal, jentaka, celaka, malang, cialat, sial, udi, julung
     not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune
01468682-a (1)
geruh, naas, tangan panas, celaka, bulan gelap, sial
unlucky, luckless
     having or bringing misfortune


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