Results for « pakar » (ind)
09956387-n (2)
ahli, pakar
connoisseur, cognoscente
     an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts
penyelidik, ahli, pakar
     seorang ilmuwan atau teknisi terlibat dalam penelitian militer
09774266-n (4)
konsultan, penasihat, perunding, pakar
consultant, advisor, adviser
     an expert who gives advice
09824361-n (3)
ahli, pakar, kewibawaan
     seorang yang mempunyai kewenangan
10631941-n (19)
spesialis, juru, ahli, pakar
specialist, specializer, specialiser
     an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
10632576-n (1)
dokter spesialis, spesialis, pakar
specialist, medical specialist
     practices one branch of medicine
09617867-n (20)
berpengalaman, handal, eksper, juru, ahli, pakar
     seseorang yang mempunyai pengetahan atau kemampuan khusus
02226162-a (12)
cekap, handal, berbakat, terampil, pakar, tangkas, mahir, pintar, pandai, bagus
skillful, proficient, good, expert, practiced, adept, skilful
     having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
00597634-v (4)
menguasai, mengotaki, pakar, mahir
master, get the hang
     be or become completely proficient or skilled in
09762509-n (12)
superstar, juara, pakar, pintar, bintang, genius
star, ace, wizard, genius, sensation, whiz, virtuoso, hotshot, adept, champion, maven, mavin, superstar, whizz, wiz
     someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
10280130-n (8)
maestro, pakar
master, maestro
     an artist of consummate skill
10206887-n (1)
pundit, initiate, learned person, savant
     someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field
02226979-a (2)
handal, memerintah, ahli, pakar
masterly, virtuoso, consummate, masterful
     having or revealing supreme mastery or skill


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