Results for « kereta » (ind)
03484083-n (1)
wagon, kereta, kereta sorong
cart, go-cart, handcart, pushcart
     wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person; may have one or two or four wheels
02970849-n (5)
pedati, kereta, delman
     a heavy open wagon usually having two wheels and drawn by an animal
02926936-a (2)
     of or relating to motor vehicles
mobil, kereta
car, elevator car
     where passengers ride up and down
03895866-n (2)
pengangkutan, kereta penumpang, bas, kereta, gerabak, gerbong
carriage, coach, passenger car
     a railcar where passengers ride
02958343-n (89)
automobil, otomobil, mobil, auto, kereta, kendaraan bermotor, mesin
car, automobile, auto, motorcar, machine, motor, motor vehicle
     a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine


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