Results for « kasihan » (ind)
02376277-a (1)
kasihan, bersimpati, simpatik, penyayang
appealing, sympathetic, likable, likeable
     [in drama] (of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings
07553741-n (2)
kasihan, simpati, belas, belas kasihan
compassion, compassionateness, kindness, mercy, heart, pity, sorrow, ruth, tenderheartedness, empathy
     simpati terhadap penderitaan orang lain
01050890-a (24)
menyedihkan, kasihan, sengsara, celaka, malang, azab, sial
poor, piteous, miserable, pathetic, hapless, wretched, pitiable, pitiful, misfortunate, deplorable, arm
     deserving or inciting pity
01150475-a (1)
kasihan, bersimpati, getun, menyesal
sorry, bad, regretful
     feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone
07553964-n (7)
kasihan, simpati, kesedihan, belas, belas kasihan
pity, commiseration, pathos, ruth
     a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others
04829550-n (1)
kasihan, simpati, belas, belas kasihan
compassion, pity
     the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it


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