Results for « dengungan » (ind)
07378234-n (1)
buzz, bombilation, bombination
     sound of rapid vibration
07084560-n (2)
drone, monotone, droning
     an unchanging intonation
07386920-n (4)
bersungut, dengungan, bisikan, desiran
murmur, murmuring, muttering, mutter, murmuration, mussitation
     a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech
07121361-n (8)
aum, gemuruh, jerit, mengaum, dengungan, pekik, pekikan, tengkingan, keriau, tempik, tempikan
hollering, bellow, roar, holler, bellowing, holla, hollo, holloa, roaring, yowl
     a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal)


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