Results for « bongkah » (ind)
08180190-n (8)
khalayak, jisim, orang ramai, rakyat jelata, khalayak ramai, bongkah
mass, masses, people, multitude, hoi polloi, the great unwashed
     the common people generally
05024254-n (35)
jisim, massa, bongkah
     the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field
09348055-n (6)
kumpulan, timbunan, kepulan, jisim, ketul, kepul, gumpalan, massa, gumpal, kelompok, bongkah
     a body of matter without definite shape
05099389-n (15)
jisim, jilid, bongkah
volume, mass, bulk
     the property of something that is great in magnitude


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