Results for « berkecumik » (ind)
00909219-v (9)
V1, V2
merungut, gerenengan, berkecumik, berungutan, memberungut, bersungut, menggerutu, merengut, mencomel, merungutkan, memberengut, rungut, merutuk, berungut, menggumam, mengomel, menggerundel, merungut-rungut, omel, berbisik, sungut
mutter, grumble, croak, murmur, gnarl
     make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath
01044533-v (25)
V1, V2
mengombinasikan, berkecumik, kumat, menggonyeh, bergumam, memberengut, menggumam, ceracau, berbisik
mutter, mumble, maunder, mussitate, grumble, growl
     talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice
berkecumik, mengomel
gum, mumble
     grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty


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