Results for « asuhan » (ind)
04921900-n (3)
edukasi, latihan, pendidikan, didikan, asuhan, pengasuhan
education, breeding, training
     the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior)
01129532-n (1)
asuh, didikan, asuhan, pemeliharaan
rearing, breeding, bringing up, fostering, fosterage, nurture, raising, upbringing
     helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community
ajaran, didikan, asuhan
     properties acquired during a person's formative years
04922113-n (1)
didikan, asuhan
rearing, nurture, raising
     the properties acquired as a consequence of the way you were treated as a child
00829378-n (3)
perwalian, perhatian, amanah, kepedulian, perawatan, ongkos, penjagaan, asuhan, pemeliharaan
charge, care, guardianship, tutelage, protection
     attention and management implying responsibility for safety


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