Results for « Susah » (ind)
sukar, susah, payah, sulit
     difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill
00744916-a (100)
sarit, sukar, susah, runyam, payah, kerih, rumit, ruwet, muskil, kompleks, rumpil, sulit, senting, berat
difficult, hard, cumbersome, burdensome
     not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure
00746047-a (3)
sukar, susah, cerewet
embarrassing, sticky, awkward, unenviable
     hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment
Susa, Italia, Susa, Susah, Sousse, Susan
Sousse, Susa, Susah
     a port city in eastern Tunisia on the Mediterranean
01126291-a (16)
awful, unspeakable, terrible, dreadful, atrocious, painful, abominable
     exceptionally bad or displeasing
00746451-a (2)
sukar, susah, payah, rumit, sulit
knotty, baffling, elusive, tough, problematic, problematical
     making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe
02323726-a (1)
sukar, susah, payah, keras, sengit, kencang, berat
00836544-a (4)
sukar, susah, memerihkan, jerih, payah, menjerihkan, kuat, perih, berjerih
hard, arduous, heavy, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome, painstaking, worksome
     characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
01140514-a (2)
susah, canggung, janggal, gabir, kekok, kaku
     lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance
14410605-n (151)
problem, susah, masalah, kesukaran, persoalan
problem, job
     suatu kesulitan yang perlu dipecahkan/diatasi
sarit, sukar, susah, runyam, payah, rumit, muskil, rumpil, sulit, senting, berat
unmanageable, difficult
     hard to control
01150915-a (15)
sarit, sukar, tegar, mangkas, pejal, susah, temetu, keras, rumit, makas, ganyar, deras, jegang, sulit, mangkar, senting, begar, berat
     resisting weight or pressure
murung, menyedihkan, menderita, susah, sugul, muram, sedih, perit, suram, sayu
dark, grim, gloomy, blue, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, sorry, drab, drear, dreary, grimy
     causing dejection
02025498-a (2)
sarit, melarat, jembel, fakir, susah, mundur, bulus, papa, miskin
     characterized by or indicating poverty
00623862-n (26)
susah, kepayahan, kerumitan, gangguan, keberatan, kesulitan, masalah, kesesakan, kerewelan, kesukaran, kesusahan, keruwetan
difficulty, trouble
     an effort that is inconvenient
02022953-a (12)
susah, papa, miskin
     having little money or few possessions
00748795-a (3)
     difficult to deal with
00622068-n (1)
bersusah payah, susah, perjuangan, berusaha, pertarungan, kesusahan
     strenuous effort


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