Results for « 身无分文 » (cmn)
贫穷+的, 身无分文+的, 没钱, 身无分文, 没钱+的, 贫穷
pinched, penurious, hard up, impecunious, in straitened circumstances, penniless, poor
     not having enough money to pay for necessities
02023287-a (2)
没有一分钱+的, 一文不名, 无钱+的, 身无分文+的, 无钱, 穷光蛋+的, 破了产+的, 身无分文, 穷光蛋, 一文不名+的, 破了产, 没有钱, 没有钱+的, 没有一分钱
broke, bust, skint, stone-broke, stony-broke, boracic
     lacking funds


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