Results for « 荒谬 » (cmn)
荒谬+的, 愚蠢+的, 荒谬, 愚蠢, 喜欢, 爱好, 喜好
     absurd or silly because unlikely
02570643-a (6)
荒唐, 荒谬+的, 可笑, 悖谬, 荒诞, 荒谬, 荒唐+的, 不合理, 可笑+的, 不合理+的
ridiculous, preposterous, absurd, cockeyed, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, idiotic, derisory, foolish, incongruous, inconsistent, irrational
     incongruous; inviting ridicule
02570282-a (6)
荒谬+的, 愚蠢+的, 荒谬, , 愚蠢, 傻+的
     devoid of good sense or judgment
02571536-a (8)
滑稽+的, 古怪, 古怪+的, 荒谬+的, 莫名其妙, 可笑, 愚蠢+的, 荒谬, 滑稽, 愚蠢, 可笑+的
silly, wacky, zany, sappy, whacky, cockamamie, cockamamy, goofy
     ludicrous, foolish
00752847-a (4)
荒唐, 可笑, 荒谬
ridiculous, silly, pathetic, odd, funny, humorous, absurd, unreasonable, surreal, frivolous, goofy, willy nilly
     inspiring scornful pity
00387017-r (1)
可笑, 滑稽地, 荒谬, 荒谬+地, 可笑+地
ridiculously, laughably, ludicrously, preposterously
     so as to arouse or deserve laughter
06607809-n (6)
荒谬, 荒谬的事
absurdity, absurdness, ridiculousness
     a message whose content is at variance with reason


Seen Lemmas: ganggang; calisthenics;
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