Results for « 灌木丛生 » (cmn)
树丛繁盛, 灌木丛生+的, 树丛繁盛+的, 灌木丛生
scrubby, scrabbly
     sparsely covered with stunted trees or vegetation and underbrush
02573443-a (2)
有丛林, 多灌木+的, 为树丛所覆盖, 长满灌木+的, 有树丛+的, 多灌木, 矮林丛生, 灌木丛生+的, 树木丛生, 有树丛, 树木成荫, 有丛林+的, 为树丛所覆盖+的, 长满灌木, 树木成荫+的, 矮林丛生+的, 树木丛生+的, 灌木丛生
brushy, bosky
     covered with or consisting of bushes or thickets


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