Results for « 混蛋 » (cmn)
09815188-n (31)
可恶的家伙, 混账东西, 愚蠢的人, 王八蛋, 孬种, 讨厌鬼, 讨厌的人, 坏蛋, 不要脸的家伙, 卑鄙的人, 蠢人, 混蛋, 下贱人, 狗杂种, 卑劣的家伙, 呆子, 恶棍, 饭桶, 蠢货, 可鄙的人, 傻瓜, 无赖, 兔崽子, 笨蛋
bastard, son of a bitch, prick, shit, asshole, cocksucker, dickhead, mother fucker, motherfucker, whoreson, SOB
     insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous


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