Results for « 有礼貌 » (cmn)
00411886-a (3)
文明化+的, 开化, 有礼貌+的, 有教养+的, 开化+的, 文明化, 文明, 文明+的, 有教养, 有礼貌, 文雅+的, 文雅
civilized, civilised
     having a high state of culture and development both social and technological
有礼貌+的, 可敬+的, 表示尊敬+的, 可敬, 恭敬, 恭敬+的, 敬重+的, 敬重, 有礼貌, 表示尊敬
respectful, reverential, venerating
     feeling or manifesting veneration
文雅的, 有礼貌+的, 有教养+的, 行为端正的, 彬彬有礼的, 受过良好教育的, 有修养的, 有教养, 有礼貌, 举止端庄的, 规矩
well-mannered, well-bred, well-behaved
     of good upbringing
01947741-a (3)
有礼, 文雅的, 有礼貌+的, 优雅的, 有教养+的, 有礼+的, 文明的, 有先进文化的, 有修养, 有教养, 有礼貌, 有修养+的
cultured, polite, civilized, civilised, cultivated, genteel
     marked by refinement in taste and manners
01993940-a (3)
有礼貌+的, 表示敬意+的, 表示尊敬+的, 恭敬, 恭敬+的, 表示敬意, 有礼貌, 表示尊敬
     full of or exhibiting respect
有礼貌, 客气
     characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners
00641158-a (3)
有礼貌+的, 有教养+的, 有教养, 有礼貌
     showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc.
02519666-v (1)
循规蹈矩地行事, 使表现好, 听话, 有礼貌
behave, comport
     behave well or properly
00642379-a (1)
有礼貌, 客气
civil, polite
     not rude; marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others


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