Results for « 幻想 » (cmn)
不实际, 幻影, 幻想, 幻影+的, 梦想+的, 梦想, 幻想+的, 不现实+的, 不现实, 不实际+的, 不切实际, 不切实际+的, 不能实行+的, 不能实行
windy, airy, impractical, visionary, Laputan
     not practical or realizable; speculative
01935139-a (1)
幻想, 梦想+的, 梦想, 幻想+的, 想象+的, 想象
     conceived of or imagined or hoped for
05939636-n (23)
错觉, 幻想, 幻觉
illusion, semblance
     an erroneous mental representation
00626136-a (2)
空气状, 幻想, 无实体+的, 象空气+的, 幻想+的, 空气状+的, 象空气, 无实体
ethereal, aeriform, aerial, airy, aery
     characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air
05896059-n (9)
幻想, 幻觉
illusion, fancy, fantasy, phantasy
     something many people believe that is false
幻想, 幻觉
     an object perceived during a hallucinatory episode
01942732-a (2)
幻想, 幻想+的, 荒诞不经+的, 想入非非的, 异想天开的, 不切实际的, 荒诞不经, 幻想的
fantastic, wild, foolish, unrealistic, hare-brained
     fanciful and unrealistic; foolish
01936528-a (7)
虚构, 幻想, 假想+的, 想象中+的, 幻想+的, 假想, 想象+的, 想象中, 想象, 虚构+的
imaginary, notional, fanciful
     not based on fact; unreal
01935935-a (3)
编造, 虚构, 幻想, 幻想+的, 编造+的, 虚构+的
fictional, fictitious, fabricated, fancied
     formed or conceived by the imagination
01936778-a (1)
空想, 幻想, 古怪, 古怪+的, 空想+的, 幻想+的, 不可思议, 不可思议+的, 匪夷所思
fantastic, fantastical, fabulous
     existing in fancy only


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